Do It Yourself: Hair Masks Recipes For Various Hair Types.

Do It Yourself: Hair Masks Recipes For Various Hair Types.

Paradoxically, we are more willing to prepare our own homemade cosmetics for bringing hair back to life when shop shelves are full of various ready-made products. The great advantage of such do-it-yourself preparations is the composition which is completely natural and easy to get. Here we present top five hair masks for different hair types.


In order to provide moisture to dehydrated hair, you have to mix one egg’s yolk with several drops of castor oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice (it will facilitate better rinsing-off of the product). After obtaining an even mass, the homemade hair mask has to be applied to hair. It can be rinsed off after approximately a half of an hour. Dry hair would be also grateful for treating them with egg-and-mayonnaise mask, which consists of egg’s yolk, mayonnaise and a little bit of a wine vinegar. Nevertheless, some women might find this kind of a hair mask unbearable because of the aroma it produces.


Aloe hair mask is the ideal solution for treating distressed hair. Aloe is considered as highly nourishing plant that is able to survive even in the harshest conditions. For preparing aloe hair mask, you will need five leaves of aloe which have to be mixed (most preferably with a blender). The aloe pulp has to be combined with a tablespoon of natural honey, 1/3 glass of warm water and two tablespoons of olive oil. When applied to hair the hair mask has to be wrapped with a towel and left on for at least a half of an hour. After that, rinse the aloe hair mask precisely.


Although brittleness is a common ailment of hair, it can be counteracted thanks to Cleopatra’s favourite ingredient. Milk hair mask will gift hair with deep moisture. It is one of the easiest nourishing hair mask to apply since all you have to do is wash hair with a glass of semi-fat milk and after 20 minutes rinse it off thoroughly.


Excessive sebum production is a problem that in some cases is triggered by our improper hair care. Natural substances that can help us deal with that issue are mint and nettle. Prepare an infusion of either of the herbs and after cooling it down, wash the already-shampooed hair with the infusion. The liquid will not only absorb excess of sebum but also limit its further production.


Adding shine and hair strengthening are two tasks of herbal-and-oil hair mask. Combine 1/3 glass of a plant oil (i.e. linseed, sunflower, argan), a tablespoon of chamomile, a tablespoon of nettle and a tablespoon of birch leaves. The mixture has to be warmed up, strained and combined with one egg’s yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of natural honey and a few drops of rosemary oil. After cooling down, the homemade hair mask has to be put on damp hair and rinsed off after a half of an hour.